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Technology Stacks Guide Infographic

Technology stacks or a tech stack is a set of tools, software, and technologies that have gotten used for the development of apps, sites, and other types of digital products.

For instance, the most classic tech stack is going to be the LAMP stack. This stack gets used for creating PHP applications. The stacks get created using Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, which all of these make up the operating system environment, the HTTP server, the databased, and the server-side of the programming language.

The infographics will provide you with an excellent introduction to tech stacks. It will cover:

  • Software stacks
  • Web development stacks

A small glimpse of more massive scaled tech stacks of significant companies like Stack Overflow and Airbnb

There is a text written version of this infographic that can be found at Software Guild if you have issues with reading the infographic. If you want, there is an interactive version, and it is a great tool to learn more that you can use for meetings, workshops, presentations, lectures, and much more.



Build Your Own Technology Stack

If you are interested in learning the skills that you need to be a developer, then you can check out Software Guilds boot camps for coding, which help you to get experience in building stack applications from start to finish using Java, C#, or .NET.

Software Guild has locations in Louisville, Akron, and Minneapolis, and they have an intensive learning environment that can help you to learn all of the hands-on skills that you need to start your development career.

You can learn more about the Software Guild by checking out their guide to get a look at the format, curriculum, application process, and anything else you would need to know.

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